Retractable Banner Stand: Tips for Creating an Effective and Attention-Grabbing Material
There are a number of forms of advertising that appear all the time, especially with social networks increasingly present in our daily lives. But there are some materials that continue to be used, no matter what – this is the case with retractable banners. And the reason is very simple: they are versatile, effective and cost-effective.
They can be used for a number of purposes – to publicize your brand or a new product at an event or trade show, to communicate a promotion, to draw attention to a new business opening… The possibilities are endless. With that in mind, in this post we have separated some simple but important tips that will help you plan a flashy banner that can convey the message you want to communicate.
How to Craft a Successful Retractable Banner
Are you looking to have a retractable banner made for your company? Then read below for tips for assertive design.
- Keep Your Logo at the Top
Typically, the top of the banner is the first place people look at. Soon, they will notice your company name and colors – this is a simple and effective way to reinforce your brand among customers and potential customers.
- Pay Attention to the Order
When looking at your banner, people will scan it from top to bottom and left to right. So, you need to organize the information you want to get across in this way. And remember: stick only to essential information to avoid excesses in the material.
- Good Images
If your objective is to draw attention to your products, it is necessary that those who look at your banner can not only see them but also be interested in them. Therefore, prefer good quality images (that is, high resolution) of your products. If you have difficulty with this, Rayacom’s design team can help you by analyzing whether the images are properly sized.
- Use Colors
Colors are your great allies when it comes to getting people’s attention, so use them! But always sparingly – prefer to use the tones already present in your visual identity and avoid too much color mixing to guarantee that the message will be visible and easily readable.
- Typography
If your visual identity already includes some fonts, use them. All this helps to reinforce your brand presence. But the advice is the same as the one we gave about colors – avoid too much mixing and focus on keeping the message clear and visible. Therefore, avoid long sentences and very small letters.
- Use With Other Forms of Advertising
Let’s say you want to have banners made to promote your brand and products in a Farmer’s market. You can use them alone, of course, but the ideal is to set up a strategy with various types of printed materials – that way, you can communicate with more potential customers. Good examples are flyers and booklets, which you can distribute to potential customers who have already seen the banner, are interested in the product and have come to talk, but haven’t bought it yet.
- Try it!
We don’t always get everything right the first time – if you’re unsure about a specific design, do more than one version. That way, by looking at them later, observing the general scenario of the event, you can better evaluate and thus make better decisions for the next few times.
- Reuse
Do you always participate in events or do you intend to use the banners on more than one occasion? If so, avoid including details like dates or event names – choose a clear and concise message, but without very specific data.
- Evaluate the Results
Retractable banners may not be the easiest types of material to measure results, but it’s still possible. You can do this in a number of ways – including a QR code that takes people to a specific page, for example, or through good old-fashioned conversation. If a customer came to your company or stand at an event and made a purchase, ask if they saw the banners.
Retractable Banners in Vancouver
If you would like to have your banners made, please contact us! At Rayacom you can either send your finished design or download some customizable templates. Also, if you need help with the design, we can give you a hand. To contact us, click here.
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