Flyers, Folders or Pamphlets: What’s the Difference? How to Choose the Best Format for My Business?
Flyers, folders and pamphlets are graphic materials made to publicize a brand, event or services. They can also be for informational purposes or for offline marketing strategies. But do you know the difference between them? And how to choose the best format for your advertising strategy?
Flyers, Folders or Pamphlets?
In this article we will explain what each one is and show you how they can be used. But first, it is important to point out: a consistent marketing strategy can have more than one format of material to reach different audiences – in addition, of course, to interaction with online strategies. That is, it is interesting to know the formats precisely to understand which ones best fit which objective. Keep reading to understand better.
The pamphlet appeared for the first time in the middle ages, in the 13th century to be more precise – was a kind of anonymous love poem made to circulate among people. Later, the pamphlet was intended to disseminate texts and poems that were smaller than books. Today, the pamphlet as we know serves to disseminate and spread quick information, such as store openings, promotions and information in general.
It is usually printed in A5 and A6 sizes, and on lighter (thinner) paper. Intended to be a fast-moving and low-cost material, the pamphlet is perfect for printing in large quantities. Because of this, it generally has a simpler print, in one color, for example. It is an interesting material to promote quick sales, for example, and increase the number of people in your establishment quickly.
Flyers are very similar to pamphlets and can be seen as an evolution of them. According to the meaning of the name flyers (objects that fly) this type of material is intended to be delivered quickly and in mass. What differentiates flyers from pamphlets are the more elaborate arts, printing in more colors and heavier papers.
Not only is the design of the flyers more sophisticated, but also the colors are more striking, all designed to make an impact on who will receive the material. It’s a good format for publicizing openings (after all, the first impression matters!), specific events (a party or an exhibition, for example), although it can also be used to promote discounts.
The folder is the trio’s most sophisticated graphic material. In order to bring a richer experience in information and details, the folder has a much more refined and informative design. Although the folder is more expensive, it will generally also be printed in less quantity. In this case, there are a number of formats that can be adopted – simple, accordion, folded in two or three and others.
How to use them?
Let’s talk about a basic practical example of how it is possible to use the three types of material in a marketing strategy. Let’s say you’ve opened a pizzeria and your first goal in terms of publicity will be to publicize your establishment in the neighborhood. One idea would be to print flyers with beautiful and eye-catching photos of the pizzas (it is interesting to use images of your own products! This attracts more attention than generic photos) to communicate the opening and even some special conditions for the opening date (like a discount) .
Pamphlets can be used to communicate a promotion that can last a little longer, like a month, for example. Let’s say it’s a 10% discount for those who deliver the pamphlet at the store at the time of ordering. That way, you can negotiate better prices for printing more units. And then space out the distribution well to try to increase sales volume throughout the month.
Finally, you can have folders with the menu printed in the store – that way, those who go there can take one home to check the flavors before ordering by phone or app. In this case, don’t forget to include a QR code that takes the consumer to the online ordering platform you use. That way, you can connect the strategies – online and off-line.
Flyers and Graphic Materials in Vancouver
If you are interested in the marketing strategy involving graphic materials, please contact us at RayaCom. We work with a number of options and can help you choose the best ones for you. In addition, we also have an in-house design team that can help you with graphic questions if necessary.
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