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2 minutes read

Unlock the Power of Custom Printed Booklets: Elevate Your Brand’s Storytelling

Unlock the Power of Custom Printed Booklets: Elevate Your Brand’s Storytelling

In a world inundated with digital content, the printed word still holds a unique power. Custom printed booklets are a versatile and impactful way to tell your brand’s story, educate your audience, or showcase your products and services. These compact publications offer a tangible and immersive experience that engages readers on a deeper level. In this blog post, we’ll explore the world of custom printed booklets and how they can help you elevate your brand’s storytelling and communication.

What are Custom Printed Booklets?

Custom printed booklets are small, bound publications that contain information, images, and graphics about a specific topic, product, or service. They can vary in size, from pocket-sized brochures to larger, magazine-style booklets. Customization options are nearly limitless, allowing you to design booklets that align perfectly with your brand’s identity and messaging.

Why Choose Custom Printed Booklets for Your Brand?

  1. In-Depth Storytelling: Custom printed booklets provide ample space for in-depth storytelling. Whether you want to narrate your brand’s history, explain your products or services, or educate your audience, booklets offer a platform to dive deep into the details.

    Tangible Engagement: In an increasingly digital world, the tactile nature of printed booklets sets them apart. Readers can physically engage with the content, making it a more memorable and immersive experience.

    Visual Impact: Well-designed custom booklets can captivate readers with visually appealing layouts, images, and graphics. This visual impact enhances the overall impression of your brand.

    Versatility: Custom printed booklets can serve various purposes. They can be used for product catalogs, event programs, educational materials, and more, making them a versatile tool for different marketing and communication needs.

    Professionalism: The presentation of custom booklets exudes professionalism. They create a polished and organized image, reflecting positively on your brand.

Why Partner with Rayacom for Custom Printed Booklets?

  1. Design Expertise: Our team of designers understands the art of effective booklet design. We can create custom booklets that are not only visually appealing but also strategically structured to convey your message effectively.

    Quality Printing: We prioritize quality in every aspect of our services. Our custom booklets are printed on high-quality paper, ensuring sharp images, vibrant colors, and a professional finish.

    Customization: We offer a range of customization options, from booklet sizes and binding methods to paper types and finishes. This allows you to create booklets that perfectly align with your brand identity and communication goals.

    Timely Delivery: Just like any of our services, we understand the importance of timely delivery. You can trust us to provide you with your custom printed booklets when you need them.

Custom printed booklets are a powerful medium for sharing your brand’s story, educating your audience, and communicating your message effectively. Contact Rayacom today to discuss your custom booklet needs and let us help you elevate your brand’s storytelling and communication with these engaging and tangible publications.

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5 minutes read
Booklets, Marketing Materials

Booklet Printing in Vancouver: 6 Tips on How to Craft an Awesome Booklet to Promote Your Brand

Recently, we highlighted here in the Rayacom blog the versatility of booklets. This type of printed material can be used for a number of purposes – instruction manual, catalog, magazine… It all depends on your goal and creativity. And the best thing is: it has a lot to add to your marketing strategy.


If you’ve read our text – and this paragraph here above – and you’re interested in booklets but still don’t quite know how to start producing yours, this article is for you. In this text, we will give you some practical tips that can help you in this process. Keep reading to understand better.

Step by Step: How to Create a Booklet

Before making any decision about your company, you need to plan ahead, right? Well, with a booklet it’s the same thing. That is, before thinking about ready-made material – about design, images and content, you need to be clear about the purpose of your material. Check out the list below to help you simplify the preparation.


  1. Purpose

What is the purpose of your booklet? Will it be a product catalog? An instruction manual? A magazine that showcases your brand personality? And how will it be distributed? A booklet can be aimed at those who are already customers (it can be material that is sent along with an online purchase, for example) or it can be something that will introduce your brand to potential customers.


To make it easier, start by crafting a concise and specific paragraph with the purpose of your booklet. This is what will guide the entire process of elaborating the necessary texts, design and images – until you have your material ready at hand.


  1. Size

It is interesting to think about the size of your material, as this is directly linked to the final price. After all, it’s no use planning a material with 60 pages if your budget only allows a 12-page booklet, right? At Rayacom, for example, you can order booklets from 8 to 60 pages in sizes 8.5”x5.5” or 8.5”x11” – and the values ​​vary both according to these factors and also in terms of the number of copies. Through the website, you can make a budget quite easily just by informing this data.


  1. Agenda Meeting

With all the details of items number 1 and 2 well defined, it’s time to think about the content. What do you want to include in your booklet? Make a list of items, always considering the main objective and target audience. If you’re going to talk to someone who isn’t your customer yet, it’s a good idea to include a brand presentation. If you are going to talk to someone who is already a customer, this may not be so necessary. Will your booklet have different sections? Different articles? If yes, which ones?


Try to make a preliminary sketch to understand if you will be able to include everything you would like in the pages you have available, ok?


  1. Design and Content

If your company already has a design and content production team, this is the time for them to take action and to put on paper the ideas that have already been discussed. If not, you can use solutions like ready-made booklet templates. Here you can download some templates that can be customized in Adobe Illustrator.


If you don’t have a design team and you don’t want to use a ready-made template either, that is, you would like something more customized, you can talk to us directly. Rayacom has an in-house design team and they can help you with your project. Remember that using your brand’s visual identity is yet another way to reinforce your presence in the minds of your potential customers.


  1. Contact

Don’t forget to include in your content some ways your customers can get in touch with you. In other words, your booklet needs to have your email address, physical store address and opening hours (if any), website address, phone number, user on social networks…. It seems obvious to say, but many people forget or leave these details so discreet in the material that they end up losing customers.


You can also include QR codes to take your customer to a specific page or even to your social networks. What really matters is that whoever is reading finds this information easily.


  1. Photos

An attractive booklet needs to have good quality, beautiful photos of your products or services. The ideal is that you have professional images of your products (after all, you can use them not only for the elaboration of graphic materials, but also in social networks, for example). But if you don’t have or can’t do it, you can use stock images. Pixabay and Unsplash are good free image banks, while Shutterstock and Adobe Stock offer images that you can buy and use in your materials.


  1. Review Everything!

Before sending to print, proofread everything very well. Read all the texts and check for spelling errors and see if all text is readable. Also look at the images, make sure they are all on the correct pages and in good quality.

Where Can I Have My Booklet Print in Vancouver?

If you like the idea and already want to put it into practice having your booklet printed, please contact us at Rayacom. You can send your print-ready design yourself, conveniently and quickly, directly from the website. Or, if you prefer, you can talk to us and we can help you with all the elaboration. Click here to get in touch.

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3 minutes read
Booklets, Marketing Materials

Booklets Printing: 4 Ideas for Incorporating Them Into Your Brand’s Marketing Strategy

We always emphasize the importance of printed formats for a marketing strategy. Contrary to what it may seem, this type of material is far from dead – on the contrary, it can deliver a better ROI than digital formats. With that in mind, today we will present a versatile and very interesting format that you can use to increase your brand’s awareness among customers or even get new leads. We’re talking about booklets.


What is a Booklet Anyway?

Booklets are printed brochure materials (that is, as if it were a book). They can be used for a multitude of purposes – storybooks, magazines, catalogs, discount books, instruction manuals and others. You can have booklets printed in a variety of sizes, paper types and page counts.

Is it Worth Including Them in my Marketing Strategy?

Like any marketing and publicity tool, the answer to this question is: it depends. Throughout this text, we will present some uses and advantages of this type of material, so you can evaluate if it makes sense for your business and in what way.


But what we can say is that booklets are great ways to present yourself to customers in a solid and reliable way (since this type of material is usually printed on good quality paper and with good printing).


It’s also a way to create a more tangible connection with your leads – having your booklet in hand, people can take it home, analyze it better, think about it… When closing the deal, which can happen almost immediately or after a while, they’ll probably think of your brand.

How Can I Use a Booklet?

If you read the paragraphs above and liked the idea, here are some thoughts that you can apply to your business.


  1. Booklet as a Mini-Magazine

Let’s say you have a cosmetics and makeup brand. You can use the booklet format to create mini-magazines to show you how to use your products. It can include images and text with skin care routine suggestions or even makeup tutorials. Really like a magazine, only totally dedicated to your brand.


  1. Booklets as Catalogs

If your brand is in the construction or decoration business, you can use this type of material as a catalog of your products. Let’s say you sell hardwood flooring options – you can include good images of the available colors to help anyone looking for this type of product. That way, your potential customers can take your booklet home and better analyze which shade of wood would be ideal for their home.


  1. Booklets as a Guide

In that case, you can send your customers instruction manuals that are more informative and more detailed than what we usually find on the market. If you have also suffered with a bad instruction manual on how to assemble a furniture, for example, you know well that your customers will certainly be grateful for one with more in-depth information.


  1. Booklets to Position Yourself as an Expert

Let’s say you have a publishing house or even a bookstore. You can use booklets to position yourself as an authority in your area. Your material may have interesting book reviews, as well as announcements of new releases and market trends.

Booklets in the Vancouver Area

If you have a business in the Vancouver area and would like to use booklets in some way in your branding strategy, please contact us – we can help. Click here to check the formats and prices we offer. We also have some templates available to help you through this process – plus we have an in-house design team if you want something more personalized.